The aim of this research was to establish the carers'/parents' experiences and support needs providing bladder and bowel care (B&BC) to a young adult. The research involved 5 mothers providing this care to their daughters who were over the age of 18. While it was acknowledged as challenging by all participants, it was not a significant concern and seen as part of "it is what it is" with the associated themes of "whatever my daughter needs"; "Mum knows best"; and "coping with caring". It was found it engendered closeness and opportunities for carers to provide better care than they felt professionals could. B&BC was not a major issue when situated within the context of their daughter's disease. The authors concluded carers' who wish to manage B&BC should be supported to do so.
Combes, S., Woodward, S. & Norton, C. 2017. It is what it is: mothers' experiences of providing bladder and bowel care to their daughters living with life-limiting conditions. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 23 (12) p 588 - 592.
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