Participating in everyday life is essential to the healthy development and emotional well-being of children, however little is known how siblings of children with complex care needs (CCN) experience this. Sixteen siblings took part in this study, ranging in age from 7 to 25 with a median age of 14. Using a range of methods to collect qualitative data, four main themes emerged: (1)participation is about being part of a group, (2) it feels good, (3) I love my sibling but...., and (4) promoting participation. The study found that siblings prioritised the relationship with their brother or sister with CCN, and often participated in activities around them and the family. The authors concluded that healthcare staff should be aware of this and encourage strategies that help siblings participate in other activities that reflect everyday life.
Woodgate, R. L et al. 2016. Siblings of children with complex care needs: their perspectives and experiences of participating in everyday life. Child: care, health and development. 42 (4) p 504-512
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