[Article] Making sense of loss and grief: the value of in-depth assessments

Research in a community-based bereavement support service has revealed a proportion of clients for whom an assessment session which focuses on meaning-making mitigates the need for on going professional intervention.  The authors suggest that such in-depth assessment sessions may consolidate resilience by helping clients construct meaning relating to their loss.  The article includes 4 case studies.

Wilson, J., James, H. & Gabriel, L. 2016.  Making sense of loss and grief: the value of in-depth assessments. Bereavement Care. 35 (2) p 67 - 77.

To request a copy, click here fill in form and return to library.

Article - Supporting bereaved parents at the time of a child's death

This article discusses the key components needed to support parents. It acknowledges that nothing you can say will ever take away the emotional pain they are facing but your involvement on a very human level will make a difference.  One of the authors is a Trustee of Child Bereavement UK, and one a bereaved parent.

Laurent, S., Samuel, J. & Dowling , T.  2016. Supporting bereaved parents at the time of a death of a child.  Archives of Diseases in Childhood, Education & Practice, 101 (6) p 293 -294.

To request a copy, click here fill in form and return to library.

Article - Getting a suitable wheelchair: a step by step guide

The article, written by a family career sets out the practical steps that need to be taken to get a suitable wheelchair.  It includes the assessment process,  powered chair or smart chair, types of moulded seating and funding schemes.

Daly, H. 2016. Getting a suitable wheelchair: a step by step guide.  PMLD Link, 28, 3 issue 85. p 15-19.
To request a copy, click here fill in form and return to library.

[New Book] - A really practical handbook of children's palliative care

A very accessible book, aiming to provide practical solutions to common problems faced by health professionals caring for dying children.  The book's fifteen parts cover symptom management, practices for communicating bad news, helping families with emotional reactions, assisting children and their families with ethical and spiritual issues, and working with surviving family members as they grieve.

Amery, J. 2016.  A really practical handbook of children's palliative care: for doctors and nurses anywhere in the world.  Lulu.com

Click here to request a loan from the library

[Article] Using your workplace for learning

Written by the Director of Practice Learning at the University of Bedford, the article analyses how the workplace can be used for learning, explains the difference between practice and practise, and discusses the challenges and opportunities of workplace learning.

Wareing, M. 2016.  Using your workplace for learning.  British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 10 (12) p 610 - 619.
To request a copy, click here fill in form and return to library.

[Article] Handy guide to the care certificate

A very good overview of why the care certificate was introduced, what the CQC expects, the 15 standards, the certification process, the support staff require and assessment.  A useful article for any education or managerial staff supporting a healthcare assistant through the certificate.
Johnson, R. 2016. Handy guide to the care certificate.  British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 10 (12) p 606 - 610.
To request a copy, click here fill in form and return to library.

[Article] Undertaking safe medicine administration with children part 2: essential numeracy

This article addresses essential numeracy and calculation skills that have been identified as an important risk factor associated with medication errors in children.

Pentin, G. et al. 2016.  Undertaking safe medicine administration with children part 2: essential numeracy.  Nursing Children and Young People, 28 (7) p 37 - 42.

To request a copy, click here fill in form and return to library.

[Article] Using the British National Formulary effectively

Recent changes to the structure of the BNF have resulted in new symbols, additional sections in drug monographs and a reduction in the amount of cross referencing. This articles explores how healthcare staff can access the information in the BNF to ensure medicine use is optimised, and adverse drug reactions and drug interactions are minimised.

Bellerby, A. & Needham D. 2016.  Using the BNF effectively.  Nursing Standard, 31 (4) p 56 - 60.

To request a copy, click here fill in form and return to library.

[Article] Care Certificate Standard 11 and 12: Safeguarding children and basic life support

This article provides an overview of safeguarding children and basic life support, which are the Care Certificate's standards 11 and 12 respectively. Safeguarding children and young people is everyone's responsibility, and the healthcare assistant and the assistant practitioner (HCA and AP) have to play their part in ensuring children and young people are safe. An overview of adult basic life support is provided, emphasising that prompt recognition and appropriate actions can save lives.

Peate, I. 2016. Care Certificate Standard 11 and 12: Safeguarding children and basic life support.  British Journal of Healthcare Assistants,  10 (no. 4); p. 194-198

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[Article] Care Certificate Standards 13 and 14: Health and safety, and handling information

This article, discussing standard 13 of the care certificate relating to health and safety, offers a broad overview of the key issues. Standard 14 is concerned with the handling of information, outlining the agreed ways of working and the legislation associated with the recording, storing and sharing of information. It is essential to have secure systems in place for recording and storing information, as this protects and safeguards each individual's human rights.

Peate, I. 2016.  Care Certificate Standards 13 and 14: Health and safety, and handling information.  British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 10 (5) p 246-251

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[Article] Care Certificate Standard 15: Infection prevention and control

Standard 15 is the final standard of the Care Standards Certificate and concerns the prevention and control of infection. The healthcare assistant and assistant practitioner (HCA and AP) are key care providers in a variety of health and social care settings. Because of this, it is essential that you have an understanding of the key issues surrounding infection prevention and control, with the important aim of providing safe and effective care. This article discusses the key issues that can help ensure that those people you provide care to, or offer support to, as well as those you work with, are safe.

Peate, I. 2016.  Care Certificate Standard 15, Infection prevention and control.  British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, vol. 10 (6) p. 296-301

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NICE Guidance: End of life care for infants, children and young people

This guideline covers the planning and management of end of life and palliative care in for infants, children and young people (aged 0–17 years) with life-limiting conditions. It aims to involve children, young people and their families in decisions about their care, and improve the support that is available to them throughout their lives.

NICE Guidance, December 2016.   End of life care for infants, children and young people with life-limiting conditions: planning and management.  NICE

Available to download

[Article] Fifteen minute consultation: approach to management of respiratory problems in children with neurodisability

Children with neuro-disability frequently have severe underlying physiological impairments and co-existent problems, like aspiration make these children vulnerable to respiratory difficulties.  The article covers patient assessment, management and the key learning points.

Kansra, S. & Ugonna. 2016. Fifteen minute consultation: approach to management of respiratory problems in children with neurodisability.  Archives of Disease in Childhood Education & Practice. 101 (5) p 226 - 231.
To request a copy, click here fill in form and return to library.

[Article] Paediatric pain assessment

Written from a US perspective, the article provides an overview of paediatric pain assessment, and includes a list of tools and important aspects to be considered when carrying out an assessment.

Stewart, S. 2016.  Pediatric pain management strategies.  CHiPPS E-Journal: Pain Management with Children, November, Issue 45  p 5 - 10
Available at http://www.nhpco.org/sites/default/files/public/ChiPPS/ChiPPS_e-journal_Issue-45.pdf

[Article] Paediatric pain management strategies

Written by a US Pediatric Clinical Pharmacist, the article reviews medication route considerations. timing of medication, and the WHO ladder.

Hunt, M. 2016.  Pediatric pain management strategies.  CHiPPS E-Journal: Pain Management with Children, November, Issue 45  p 10 - 14
Available at http://www.nhpco.org/sites/default/files/public/ChiPPS/ChiPPS_e-journal_Issue-45.pdf

[Article] Patient-specific opioid selection considerations in children

The article reviews the selection of the correct opioid to be used for pain management in children of all ages including non-opioid considerations

Hunt, M. 2016.  Patient-specific opioid selection considerations in children.  CHiPPS E-Journal: Pain Management with Children, November, Issue 45  p 14 - 18

Available at http://www.nhpco.org/sites/default/files/public/ChiPPS/ChiPPS_e-journal_Issue-45.pdf

[Article] Nonpharmacological pain management for children

Written by Kathy Davis, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Kansas Medical Centre, the article reviews non-pharmacological pain management for infants, toddlers, children and adolescents.

Davis, K. 2016. Non-pharmacological pain management for children.  CHiPPS E-Journal: Pain Management with Children, November, Issue 45  p 30 - 40.

Available at http://www.nhpco.org/sites/default/files/public/ChiPPS/ChiPPS_e-journal_Issue-45.pdf

[Article] Assessment and management of pain and irritability in children with severe neurological impairment

The article aims to highlight the challenges in recognising and treating pain in children with severe neurological impairment, suggest some basic considerations when evaluating pain, and explore some of the research currently being done.

Olson, L. 2016.  Assessment and management of pain and irritability in children with severe neurological impairment.  CHiPPS E-Journal: Pain Management with Children, November, Issue 45  p 26 - 29. 
Available at http://www.nhpco.org/sites/default/files/public/ChiPPS/ChiPPS_e-journal_Issue-45.pdf

[Article] Openness and honesty when things go wrong: the professional duty of candour (GMC guidelines)

An article discussing the key issues addressed in the GMC guidance on openness and honesty when things go wrong.  These include what should be discussed with patients when something goes wrong, offering a personalised apology, and the professional judgement to be used when a "near miss" occurs.

Jacob, H. & Raine, H. 2016.  Openness and honesty when things go wrong: the professional duty of candour (GMC guidelines).  Archives of Disease in Childhood: Education and Practice. 101 p 243 - 245.

To request a copy, click here fill in form and return to library

[Article] Codeine in paediatrics: pharmacology, prescribing and controversies

Codeine is a drug that until recently was widely used in children.  It was endorsed by the WHO as the 2nd step on the analgesic ladder for cancer pain.  Recently it's safety and efficacy have been called into question.  This article discusses the pharmacology underpinning it's action in children, how this relates to prescribing as well as the practical issues and the most recent regulatory framework surrounding it's use.

Andrzejowski, P. & Carroll.  2016.  Codeine in paediatrics: pharmacology, prescribing and controversies.  Archives of Disea51se in Childhood. 101 p 148 - 150
To request a copy, fill out this form and return to the library

[Article] - Liquid Vibrations - a practice of underwater deep listening

A short article about Liquid Vibrations, a charity that uses underwater speakers to enable music and sounds to be heard underwater.   More information is available on their web site - www.liquidvibrations.org.uk

Cahen, J. 2016.  Liquid vibrations - a practice of underwater deep listening.  PMLD Link,  Vol. 28, No. 2, issue 84.  Page 26-27

To request a copy, click here fill in form and return to library.

[Article] Sex, drugs, death and god - Chailey Heritage tackles more AAC tabboos.

The author of this article teaches personal social and health education (PHSE) in special schools.  She describes the communication system introduced at Chailey Heritage to discuss medication and death with young people with severe learning disabilities and complex medical needs.

Dunman, H. 2016.  Sex, drugs, death and god - Chailey Heritage tackles more AAC tabboos. Communication Matters.30 (2) p 22 - 24.

To request a copy, click here fill in form and return to library.

[New Book] Mindful art therapy book

This book introduces a foundation for mindful art therapy practice by providing a coherent framework that bridges paradigms between eastern and western traditions. The author clarifies different approaches from mindfulness traditions to guide students and practitioners in determining the most suitable and personalised method for practice, research and professional development. The book features case studies and artworks from the treatment of common clinical presentations such as anxiety and depression and includes a guided meditation script and audio file.

Davis, B. 2015. Mindful Art Therapy.  Jessica Kingsley.

Click here to request a loan from the library

[New Book] More creative coping skills for children

From engaging arts and crafts, to interactive stories and relaxing meditations, all the interventions and activities are thematically structured so that each chapter contains the means for building specific skills or overcoming behavioral issues.

Thomas, B. 2016. More creative coping skills for children: activities, games, stories and handouts to help children self-regulate.  Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Click here to request a loan from the library

[New Book] - Music therapies with families

This comprehensive book describes well-defined models of music therapy for working with families in different clinical areas, ranging from families with special needs children, dying family members through to various paediatric hospital settings.

Jacobson, L. & Thompson, G. 2016. Music therapies with families - therapeutic approaches and theoretical perspectives. Jessica Kingsley

Click here to request a loan from the library

[New Book]: Paediatric palliative medicine

Looking after children with life-limiting conditions is very difficult for both parents and health care professionals.  This second edition of Paediatric Palliative Medicine is full of easily-accessible, detailed information, and covers all aspects of the care of children with life-limiting illnesses.  It includes a quick reference drug formulary and detailed information on medical conditions and symptom control.

Hain, R, & Jassal, S. 2016. Paediatric Palliative Medicine.  2nd Edition.  Oxford University Press.

Click here to request a loan from the library

[Article] Partnership working between hospice and children's community nursing teams

This article describes the implementation and evaluation of a new partnership between The Alexander Devine Children's Hospice Service across Berkshire, and the NHS Children's Community Nursing Team.  The purpose of the new partnership was to offer greater choice to families, providing respite and 24/7 end of life care.  The article discusses the service design, service delivery and evaluation.

Bennett., H. et al.  2016.  Partnership working between hospice and children's community nursing teams.  Nursing Children and Young People, 28 (9) p 26 - 30

To request a copy, click here fill in form and return to library.