Recruitment to paediatric palliative care research is challenging with high rates of non-invitation of eligible families by clinicians. The study aimed to investigate the non-invitation or "gate-keeping" of an interview study about parents' experience of advance care planning (ACP). The study found non invitation to the ACP study was high. Family-clinician relationship appeared to be a key factor associated with invitation along with the clinicians' perspectives of families' well-being, circumstances, characteristics, and anticipated reaction to invitation. The authors concluded there is evidence of selective invitation practices that could bias research findings.
Crocker, J. C., Beecham, E., Kelly, P., Dinsdale, A., Hemsley, J. Jones, L. & Bluebond Langner. 2014. Inviting parents to take part in paediatric palliative care research: a mixed methods examination of selection bias. Palliative Medicine, 29 (3) p 231 - 240.
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