In adult and paediatric palliative care, advance care planning (ACP) is a core element. The majority of children who die, do so in a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU). This survey aimed to identify and compare paediatric ACP documents that are used by UK PICU's. 28 lead clinicians for PICU's were emailed, with a response number of 24. 14 PICU's responded that formal ACP documentation were currently in use, the remaining PICU's had a range of documentation, which varied widely in terms of presentation content and intended use. Some had been developed locally, while others regionally. The authors concluded that due to the variation around the UK in the existence of formal ACP documentation, consideration should be given to a national policy following further review and evaluation of the documentation.
Mitchell, S., Plunkett, A. & Dale, J. 2014. Use of formal advance care planning documents: a national survey of UK Paediatric Intensive Care Units. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 99 (4) p 327 - 329.
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